
How Can We Win Against Big FMCG Multinationals?
VUCASTAR created the strategies and tools to drive the value and performance of a Brand portfolio. Over several sessions, the organization was trained into the tools used for exceptional brand management. Then each brand’s strategy was worked in depth - using “the consumer at the core” model - from equity all the way down to advertising ideas.
The company went from a slightly declining share to record high market share and is using the tools to expand the portfolio.

What Would It Take to Double the Business?
With VUCASTAR, goals and strategies were developed in a strategy review. We analysed the business with the executive team, with special focus on the profit model. A strategy and plan with clear action steps was agreed.
The plan is being implemented.

Can You Help Build a Team’s Confidence That Our Ambitious Goal is Achievable?
VUCASTAR developed a keynote presentation to kick off their strategy and planning week. We delivered an engaging 2-hour speech on what’s required to make the mission succeed.
The company’s share price doubled and believes that building belief was a contributing factor.

Can You Get Me Ready for a Major Board Meeting?
An executive asked VUCASTAR to help on content and delivery. Following working sessions and tailored coaching, the presentation was refocused and made highly impactful.
The delivery went superb, the executive received kudos for her strategic vision and plans. The recommendation and spending plans were approved.

Can We Build a Decisive Competitive Edge?
VUCASTAR did an industry analysis and worked with each executive to get a thorough understanding of the culture and challenge. Workshops were then run. Major focus was put on building a high performing organization, where trust was the bedrock of collaboration. Also, a plan was developed with several areas that could position the firm more uniquely and distinctively in its industry.
The plan is being implemented.

We Don’t Have a Strategy. Can You Help Us Get There?
The VUCASTAR process is to always get one-on-one input from each executive before the strategy meeting. This helps to isolate key themes. In the meeting itself, we work with diverse groups who then discuss their points of view in plenum.
With the VUCASTAR process, a strategy document was developed and now serves as the very basis for choices, budget allocation and priorities.
Peter is one of the most engaging speakers I have ever encountered. VUCASTAR's session on disruption is fascinating and entertaining. Our team loved it!
Organizational Growth - Keynote Presentations
VUCASTAR designed a high-impact strategy workshop for our global team and kept us on track, so we achieved an outstanding result.
Business Growth – Strategy Consulting
We had regular strategic reviews with VUCASTAR. They have helped us shape highly comprehensive strategies for our entire Brand portfolio. The big plus is that Peter Corijn, their CEO, has been a senior executive himself. He’s been there. As a result, the tools provided are highly actionable and reality based. Everything is focused on creating value and winning in the marketplace.
Business Growth – Brands That Win
We had a great strategic direction session with VUCASTAR. Frankly, I wish somebody had given me all these insights 20 years ago! We now have a clear roadmap on where to take the business.
Business Growth – Strategy Consulting
VUCASTAR delivered an exceptional one-day seminar to our organization on enhancing our creativity and generating more innovative ideas. Their approach was extremely captivating, featuring a plethora of case studies and valuable tools. Undoubtedly, the time invested was well worth it for our company.
Organisational Growth – Leadership Development Seminars
At the Boots conference, Peter delivered a highly inspiring keynote to the entire Finance function on how we could become better change agents. What was particularly appreciated is that the insights were highly actionable. Furthermore, it was highly engaging because of the case content.
Organisational Growth – Keynote Presentations